Jennifer has officially given her notice at her clinic and accepted a short-term position at a small animal clinic with a friend in Petawawa, about 5-and-a-half hours North-East of here. The clinic consists of just two vets but will give her greater range of experience for her resume. It runs from September until probably the end of November. In the meantime, we have dropped her resume off at numerous local clinics.
We have also been on the look-out for a new apartment. I saw four yesterday, four today, and I have two lined up for tomorrow. It has been a little exhausting as they have been spaced throughout the day and I have been jumping back to the university between visits. But I have seen some very nice, reasonably priced apartments. It will be very different than where we are now as they are all very large apartment complex's in the city.
In other news, the weather here was completely wild yesterday. I was driving to see an apartment when it started raining so hard that you could hardly see a thing (One guy switching lanes very nearly hit me in his attempt to get off the road). Then hail, nearly the circumference of dimes started pelting down. It sounded like my car was under machine gun fire. This only lasted about 10-15 minutes tops but so much rain had fallen that the street I was on became a lake before I realized it. The water at its deepest point was up over the top of the hood of my car. I was scared I would stall-out before I made it to dry road. At least it was warm today so my car could get dry. The floors were soaked as the water started pouring in from below.
Other than that we are both excite to be heading home for a smidgeon of R & R and my sisters wedding! See you all soon!!