It was great to be home for Christmas. I was surprised once again that I was actually able to get time off . I feel as though my luck is bound to run out soon regarding time off around the holidays but I'll take what I can get.
Despite only having 4 full days, I think that we both managed to do everything that we had planned even with a few changes in the regular Christmas routine. Cookies were decorated (I am now Cookie Decorating Champion for the 4th year running) and outrageous amounts of food was consumed (esp by Robbie). I was able to get together with my good friend Becky on Christmas and we had dinner at her sister Jill's house. Normally dinner is at her mom

Robbie spent Christmas eve this year at his dad's place and Christmas day with his mom. Traditionally they alternate every year. Mandy and Penny were both home but unfortunately Tracy was unable to come this year so I 'm hoping she was able to spend the holidays with good friends and that we will see her next year! By the look of their tree, Santa found all the Smiths and they must have been really good this year:) Robbie will have to recount the rest of his holiday first hand but it sounds like they were very relaxed and played alot of cards and games.
Our Christmas present to ourselves is a new 40'' LCD tv which we get to pick up on the 14th as well as a new coffee table!! We are pretty excited to get the tv mounted on the wall and watch Robbie's new Planet Earth DVD's. It should look pretty amazing! Now we might have to concider getting cable.
But now our holiday is over. I was back to work yesterday (30th) and worked a half day today an again Saturday and Robbie has been into the University tending to his cells and will be back to TAing next week once classes resume. We don't have any real plans for New Years save hanging out with one of Robbie's lab mates from school and having a few drinks but tomorrow we have plans for dinner and a movie. My New Years resolutions are to 1. be more active (so we are signing up for a ball room dance class and I'm going to resume pilates) and 2. to write more consistantly on the blog.
I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Years and that 2010 is a great year!