Firstly I would like to thank my dad for having taught me how to change a tire. This past Wednesday Robbie went out to find that we had a flat. He was running late as it was and had to leave to catch his bus to school, leaving me to either take a cab or change the tire. I was very proud of myself with my success of being able to change it all by myself despite a very stiff jack and to find out from Canadian Tire that there were no punctures but just a seal that had let go. I managed to make it to work on time but I'm afraid that my coat may never look clean again.
Saturday Robbie was scheduled to volunteer at the "Our Body The Universe Within"(http://www.ourbodytheuniversewithin.com/) exhibit at the childrens museum so I walked around downtown and around the Kitchener market for a while, did some people watching and drank a latte. I later met up with him at the exhibit which was quite fascinating. It is made up of real plastinated people and body parts demonstrating the different muscles, bones and organs. Unfortunately no photography was allowed. Later that day we went bowling and Robbie got a turkey! Apparently golf is not the only sport that uses birds and a turkey is when you get three strikes in a row. Afterward we went to Chapters and picked up a few books with a gift card from uncle Darel and then we went to see the movie "Wolfman." It was only so so but I think that Robbie enjoyed it. I wasn't overly impressed with the makeup for the wolf man but there were parts where I definitely jumped!
Yesterday after a delicious breakfast at Cora's we decided to head to Toronto to the Royal Ontario Museum. The place is massive with 4 floors and over 6000 pieces. We knew that there was no way that we would be able to take in everything so we breezed past the majority of the exhibits not reading all of the explanations but just looking. We spent a lot of our time in the mineral exhibit

Today (Monday) is the Family Day holiday in Ontario so most businesses are closed. I no