Four years ago I read an article in National Geographic on turducken. No it is not a turkey, duck, chicken hybrid Franken-bird as I have facetiously convinced some. It is a de-boned chicken inside a de-boned duck, inside a partially de-boned turkey. Perhaps the most opulent food ever conceived and I must say it lived-up to my expectations. I had a small (ish) one prepared that was actually made from just the breast meat of each bird as a full size turducken feeds about 20! Plus, it ain’t exactly cheap. But it lived-up to my expectations. After 6 hours of cooking we were rewarded with a juicy, succulent meal that wasn’t at all fowl (
get it? Fowl!). My only complaint would be that I didn’t love the chorizo stuffing. I also made a maple-pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. Luckily Jenn enlisted a few of her friends to help us with the feast.
In other news we enjoyed a lovely but too short visit from Rhonda Brown this month. We had the opportunity to take a boat cruise out into the Toronto harbour for free thanks tickets Rhonda’s friends had purchased but did not have the opportunity to use. Despite it being a somewhat chilly, overcast day it was a lot of fun. Especially when Jenn randomly decided to get her picture atop a dog statue.

After thoughtful consideration I have decided not to go home for Christmas this year. It doesn’t make financial sense right now as I will have to travel home before the wedding to get the marriage licence and then I will also be home for two weeks in the summer for weddings. Not to mention needing to tighten purse strings for the wedding itself. Besides Cooper gets lonely by here all by himself.

Anyway I will talk with you all soon. I am off for my first meeting to become a disaster relief volunteer for the Kitchener region. I home you are well and still snow free
