Well we finally have our power restored after a day and a night without it. Sadly the popsicles did not survive. However we are still on a boil order. It was quite the maelstrom. The thunder, lightning and wind hit like a miniature hurricane. Shingles were flying off roofs (and at least one roof blowing off), trees torn from the ground, and a Home Hardware gazebo in ruins. The power conked out mere minutes after the storm began and Hydro One reported that it would not be restored until 12:00 noon tomorrow. Thank goodness for small favors.

In other news Jennifer has a free yoga mat on its way. And all I had to do was eat 5.2 kilograms of yogurt. Free yoga mat = 30$. Eight tubs of yogurt = 32$. Apparently because the receipts I sent in didn't actually say "Astro Zero" yogurt they were not valid. Well I had promised Jennifer the mat so I couldn't turn back now so I bought four more tubs of yogurt and cut out the UPC's to send in. Oh, and did I mention that I had to eat all eight tubs of yogurt because Jennifer had contracted a

parasite (cryptosporidium sp.) from one of her barn visits? She is all better now though so she better enjoy her yoga mat.
Hmmm just heard some thunder. I better wrap this up. Last thing I need is an electrical surge killing my computer along with the power.
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