I have obviously broken my New Years resolution by not writing often on our blog but normally our lives just are not that interesting and I can't imagine anyone wanting to read every day that I have gone to work, ate a meal or two, most likely did some knitting and went to bed. Plus it is more fun to save up on the news so that it looks like we have been busy!!
This weekend was the annual Elmira Maple Syrup festival and the second year in a row in which we have attended. This year was much warmer and made for walking up and down the street among the many vendors a much more pleasant experience. (Last year I wore my snow suit). The main attraction, at least for us, is the food. I had to try the corn on the cob which was DELICIOUS!! They steam it in the husk and then you have the option of dipping it in a giant vat of butter and adding various seasoning, then you walk around and have oil slide down your wrists. Messy but a wonderful treat. We also had maple burgers, maple sausage, lamb on a pita, apple cider and funnel cake. (For you who don't know, funnel cake is basically fried dough with icing sugar and optional fruit topping). We also left with our "years" supply of maple syrup, 250 ml of delicious liquid gold. Interesting little fact: Quebec is Canada's largest supplier of maple syrup.
Once we had our fill we

We spent the remainder of the evening at a cozy Irish pub, drinks all around and MORE food. I was so full I didn't think I would need to eat for days! We conveniently rented a hotel not far away and managed to roll ourselves home only for Robbie to go out again for a late night McDonald's run which he felt obligated to do and everyone appreciated, although I was still full I still managed a McNugget or three.
The next day before sending Laura home on the bus, we took a swing around the Hockey Hall of Fame, got to see the Olympic metals, touch the lucky loonie and see the Stanley cup. The drive home was a rainy one and we spent the rest of the day lounging around in PJ's and watching movies on Rob's computer.
Our next big plans are to head to Richmond Hill for Easter and I have Becky and Mom's visit in May to look forward to. I am also still half heartily searching for a new vehicle and despite a few test drives and an almost purchase I haven't been able to make up my mind as to what I want. I'll keep you posted.